** For our membership for October 2024 to October 2025, we are releasing an additional 10 memberships, and these are available to be pre-booked for the new season. **
If you would like to become a members of 50rpm by taking out a membership, please email us at info@50rpm.co.uk requesting to join and we will send you an email for you to complete to join.
Membership is currently £150 for 12 months and your membership runs from Oct to Oct. Your membership will get you entry to at least 16 gigs for the year (We had 26 for this year).
We actively want members to get involved in different aspects of 50rpm but it is fine if you don't want to.
If you can't attend a show, then let us know and please pass your membership on to a family member or friend who would like to attend in your place. We don't want empty seats so lets spread the love and put bums on seats.
Our closed facebook group for member is at www.facebook.com/groups/50rpm but you can find out what we are up to on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/weare50rpm.